
Etapa Clasificación
1 - 139 - - 47 -
2 147 155 - - 51 -
3 128 162 - - 52 -
4 69 149 - - 48 -
5 91 135 - - 43 -
6 115 126 - - 38 -
7 58 121 - - 36 -
8 57 91 - 28 26 -
9 59 91 - 31 26 -
10 96 92 - 30 26 -
11 6 76 61 31 20 -
12 38 76 64 31 20 -
13 35 70 68 27 17 -
14 41 67 71 30 16 -
15 77 66 74 32 16 -
16 57 66 74 33 16 -
17 20 56 75 36 14 -
18 14 42 68 37 14 -
19 41 42 73 37 14 -
20 3 37 53 28 12 -
21 58 37 55 28 11 -
  • Sprint intermedio 0
  • Victoria de etapa 0
  • Victoria 1
  • Podiums 5

2021. Burgos-BH

9e of the third stage of the Arctic Race of Norway (Finnsnes>Målselv)

14e of the Arctic Race of Norway

21e of the Mercan'Tour Classic Alpes-Maritimes

2022. Burgos-BH

6e of the fourth stage of the Volta ao Alentejo (Castelo de Vide>Castelo de Vide [ITT]), of the third stage of the Vuelta Asturias Julio Alvarez Mendo (Cangas del Narcea>Oviedo)

7e of the Volta ao Alentejo

13e of the fifth stage of the Volta ao Alentejo (Castelo de Vide>Évora)

21e of the Clàssica Comunitat Valenciana 1969 - Gran Premi València

23e of the prologue of the Volta a Portugal em Bicicleta (Lisboa>Lisboa)

2023. Burgos-BH

1er of the third stage of the Vuelta Asturias Julio Alvarez Mendo (Cangas del Narcea>Oviedo)

2e of the Trofeo Andratx - Mirador D'es Colomer (Pollença)

3e of the GP Beiras e Serra da Estrela, of the fourth stage of the GP Beiras e Serra da Estrela (Fundão>Guarda)

5e of the Tour du Doubs

6e of the second stage of the GP Beiras e Serra da Estrela (Fornos de Algodres>Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo)

8e of the third stage of the GP Beiras e Serra da Estrela (Penamacor>Pinhel)

11e of the O Gran Camiño

13e of the Tour du Jura Cycliste, of the Vuelta Asturias Julio Alvarez Mendo

14e of the second stage of the O Gran Camiño (Tui>A Guarda (Monte Trega))

15e of the National Championships Spain ME - Road Race

16e of the third stage of the O Gran Camiño (Esgos>Rubiá (Alto do Castelo))

19e of the fourth stage of the O Gran Camiño (Novo Milladoiro>Santiago de Compostela [ITT]), of the second stage of the Tour of Oman (Muscat (Sultan Qaboos Sports Complex)>Qurayyat), of the second stage of the Vuelta Asturias Julio Alvarez Mendo (Candás>Cangas del Narcea), of the first stage of the Vuelta Asturias Julio Alvarez Mendo (Oviedo>Pola de Lena)

20e of the Grand Prix du Morbihan

23e of the CIC - Mont Ventoux


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